Members’ work AllJournalBookWorking Paper Oivier Bargain , Paul Carrillo-Maldonado , and H. Xavier Jara (2023) – Top earners and earnings inequality during the COVIDl-19 pandemic: evidence from Ecuadorian administrative data[View Abstract] Thibaut Plassot (2023) – Chapter in New narratives for rural transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean: towards a renewed measurement and classification of rural areas, ECLAC[View Abstract] Thibaut Plassot, Isidro Soloaga, Pedro J. Torres – A Random Forest approach of the Evolution of Inequality of Opportunity in Mexico[View Abstract] Andrés Gómez-Lobo, Tomás Serebrisky, Ben Solís Sosa, Helena Cárdenas, Mauro Orlando Gutiérrez Martínez, and Sandro Alejandro Huamaní Antonio ( 2023) – Reducing Leakage: Subsidies and Tariff Reform in Water and Sanitation Services in Metropolitan Lima, Peru[View Abstract] Sofia Maier with Antonio Amores, Michael Christl, Paola De Agostini, Silvia De Poli (2023) – Limiting prices or transferring money? An ex ante assessment of alternative measures to cope with the hike in energy prices[View Abstract] Roxana Maurizio, Ana Paula Monsalvo, María Sol Catania & Silvana Martinez (2023) – Short-term labour transitions and informality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America[View Abstract] Maurizio, R. and A. Monsalvo (2023)- Changes in occupations and their task content: implications for employment and inequality in Argentina, 2003-19, in C. Gradín, P. Lewandowski, S. Schotte and K. Sen (ed.), Changing nature of Work and Inequality, Chapter 12, Oxford University Press.[View Abstract] Paul Carrillo-Maldonado, Karla Arias, Wladimir Zanoni, Zoe Cruz (2023) – Local socioeconomic impacts of large-scale mining projects in Ecuador: The case of Fruta del Norte[View Abstract] Carrere S. (2024). How effective are cash transfer programs in mitigating income instability ? evidence from the AUH in Argentina[View Abstract] Prieto J. (2022). A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Economic Insecurity: The Case of Chile[View Abstract] Annaelena Valentinia , Paolo Brunori, Francisco Ferreira , Pedro Salas-Rojo (2023) – Playing the birth lottery in South America and Europe[View Abstract] Maurizio, R., Monsalvo, A., Catania, S., Martínez, S. (2023) Changes in the structure of employment and the discussion on occupational polarization in Latin America the cases of Argentina, Chile and Mexico[View Abstract] Rafael Carranza, Mauricio de Rosa and Ignacio Flores (2023) – Wealth Inequality in Latin America[View Abstract] François Gerard Joana Naritomi, Joana Silva (2021)- Cash Transfers and Formal Labor Markets: Evidence from Brazil[View Abstract] Joaquín Prieto (2023) – Degrees of vulnerability to poverty: A low-income dynamics approach for ChileI [View Abstract] Roxana Maurizio, Ana Laura Fernández, María Sol Catania (2023) – Automatización, ocupaciones y tareas Una mirada desde América Latina[View Abstract] Thibaut Plassot, Michael Sicsic (2023) – Mapping Inequality of Opportunity in France and its Regions: A Data-Driven Analysis of Income Inequality from Fiscal Administrative Data[View Abstract] Inés Berniell with with Leonardo Gasparini, Mariana Marchionni & Mariana Viollaz (2023) – Lucky Women in Unlucky Cohorts: Gender Differences in the Effects of Initial Labor Market Conditions in Latin America[View Abstract] Sofia Maier with Antonio F. Amores, Mattia Ricci (2023) – Taxing household energy consumption in the EU: The tax burden and its redistributive effect[View Abstract] Roxana Maurizio and María Sol Catania (2023) – Intensidad y características del trabajo a domicilio y del teletrabajo durante la pandemia por COVID-19 y la posterior fase de recuperación del empleo en América Latina[View Abstract] Inés Berniell, Leonardo Gasparini, Mariana Marchionni & Mariana Viollaz (2023) – The role of children and work-from-home in gender labor market asymmetries: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America[View Abstract] Jara, H. X., Rodríguez, D., Collado, D., Torres, J., Mideros, A., Montesdeoca, L., Avellaneda, A., Chang, R., & Vanegas, O. (2024). Assessing the role of tax-benefit policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the Andean region. Review of Development Economics, 1–21.[View Abstract] Noelia Bernal, Javier Olivera, Marc Suhrcke (2024) – The effects of social pensions on nutrition-related health outcomes of the poor: Quasi-experimental evidence from Peru[View Abstract] Antonio F. Amores, Henrique S. Basso, Simeon Bischl, Paola De Agostini, Silvia De Poli, Emanuele Dicarlo, Maria Flevotomou, Maximilian Freier, Sofia Maier, Esteban García-Miralles, Myroslav Pidkuyko, Mattia Ricci, Sara Riscado (2023) – Inflation, Fiscal Policy and Inequality[View Abstract] Cinthya G. Caamal-Olvera, Luis Huesca, Linda Llamas (2023) – Universal basic income: A feasible alternative to move people out of poverty in Mexico?[View Abstract] Bargain, O., Jara, H. X. and Tasseva, I. (20204). “Automatic stabilization: the missing welfare dimension in Latin America”, LACIR, June 2024.[View Abstract] Maurizio, R. and A. Monsalvo (2023) “Informality, labour transitions and the livelihoods of workers in Latin America”, in G. Fields, T. Gindling, K. Sen, M. Danquah and S. Schotee (ed.), Climbing the Job Ladder? Informal and formal work in a dynamic context, Chapter 7, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978–0–19–286733–9.[View Abstract] Bargain, Olivier, Jara, H. Xavier and Rivera, David (2024) Tax disincentives to formal employment in Latin America. III Working Paper (144). International Inequalities Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.[View Abstract] Roxana Maurizio and Ana Laura Fernández (2023) – A tres años de la irrupción de la pandemia por COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe. Un análisis de la dinámica laboral heterogénea entre hombres y mujeres[View Abstract] H. Xavier Jara And María Gabriela Palacio Ludeña (2024) – Rethinking social assistance amid the COVID-19 pandemic: guaranteeing the right to income security in Ecuador[View Abstract] Inés Berniell with Anne Laferrère, Pedro Mira and Elizaveta Pronkina (2023) – The COVID-19 curtain: Can past communist regimes explain the vaccination divide in Europe?[View Abstract] Inés Berniell with Nicolás Abbate, Joaquín Coleff, Luis Laguinge, Margarita Machelett, Mariana Marchionni, Julián Pedrazzi & Florencia Pinto ( 2024 ) – Discrimination Against Gay and Transgender People in Latin America: A Correspondence Study in the Rental Housing Market[View Abstract] Inés Berniell with Lucila Berniell, Dolores de la Mata, María Edo & Mariana Marchionni (2023) – Motherhood and flexible jobs: Evidence from Latin American countries[View Abstract] Andrés Gómez-Lobo, Mauro Gutiérrez, Sandro Huamaní, Diego Marino, Tomás Serebrisky, Ben Solís (2024) – Access to water and COVID-19: a regression discontinuity analysis for the peri-urban areas of metropolitan Lima, Peru[View Abstract] Andrés Gomez-Lobo Tomás Serebrisky (2023) – Pricing urban transport in Latin America[View Abstract] Jara, H. X., Mideros-Mora, A. and Palacio, M. G. (editors). (2024). Política social, pobreza y desigualdad en el Ecuador: 1980-2021. Centro de publicaciones PUCE. Quito, Ecuador.[View Abstract] Diego Grijalva, Carlo Uribe-Terán, Iván Gachet (2023)- The Contractionary Effects of Protectionist Trade Policy in a Dollarized Economy[View Abstract] Inés Berniell, Raquel Fernández & Sonya Krutikova (2023) – Gender Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean[View Abstract] Sofia Maier, Mattia Ricci (2023) – The redistributive impact of consumption taxation in the EU: Lessons from the post-financial crisis decade[View Abstract] Javier Olivera (2023) – A distributive analysis using Peru’s National Transfer Accounts[View Abstract] Sebastián Castillo (2023) – Tax policy design in a hierarchical model with occupational decisions[View Abstract]